The children have had a really busy term with lots of interests happening and the teachers have been extrenely busy acknowleding all these and providing resources etc to extend their ideas.
We also had a very focused look at Waitangi Day and used this as a springboard to looking at other areas of interest around the ways of the Maori people. We provided opportunties for the children to carry out weaving for headbands, materials for the making of piupius, face paint for designing mokos, paper taiahas and also encouraged screen printing using Maori patterns. This was a fabulous five week focus with lots of discussion, u tube viewing, and of course waiata.
We celebrated the end of a very long term with a fun day on the last Wednesday which we called Wacky Wednesday and indeed it was. There were plants in the toilet, dolls sitting in a tyre in the family area, play dough in an upside down table, eating tables under the swings, shoes hanging off the painting rack and on the ceiling and best of all we were able to have water balloon fights. The children and of course the teachers dressed up in some wacky outfits and everyone had a great day. Sorry Aabout the photo. Forgot to rotate but you'll all agree it is a lovely picture.