Friday, October 14, 2011

The Rugby World Cup

We started off the Rugby World Cup by decorating the kindergarten with rugby bunting and flags and celebrating the beginning of this great time in New Zealand with a special day and a community luncheon. the children and their families certainly got into the spirit of things with the children dressing up to represent their country, many of course in All Black colours but a smattering of South Africans, a Scot, an Italian and a few Tongans. It was a lovely day and naturally there has been a considerable amount of rugby taking place on the kindergarten grounds.
A few of us have read the instructions to try and kick like Dan Carter but in the end decided to do our own thing. Yeah. Roll on the winning team. Lets hope it is the All Blacks but if not a good time to discuss how things do not always go the way we want them to and promote resilience within our children and adults.

Our Amazing Town and City

September 2011 -It has been a really busy and fun time at kindergarten with a real buzz of excitement in the air. From an interest in our families and where we all live the focus moved to constructing buildings to make 'Our amazing town'. Most of the children have been involved in some way or another in constructing buildings which have ranged from pre-schools through to farms allowing us to put all these together as a small town. One which could be found any where in New Zealand.

An influx of big packing boxes encouraged the making of a city outside with tall buildings, city streets and parks. We have put to good use our newly purchased data projector and this has proved to be a valuable teaching tool allowing us (teachers) to revisit ideas and view buildings all over the world. We quickly discovered that the children were very interested in tall buildings, such as our very own Sky Tower in Auckland so we arranged an excursion as an extension of their interest and what a fantastic visit we had.The 16th September saw us all get on a bus which took us into the city via Westhaven Marina where we got off to look at the Harbour Bridge from the underneath. The children very impressed by the fantastic structure of the bridge and also curious in regard to the walkway they could see. After a quick morning tea at St Patricks square it was up the lift to the viewing area. A bit scary for some of the adults in our group - a brave bunch as some of them are a little nervous of heights, but once there all thought it was marvellous. Helpers and children poured over the sheets showing landmarks and other items to find and then many of the children settled down to draw what interested them most. At 12.00 a very excited group headed back to kindergarten full of ideas.

The next week or so the children were involved in extensions of the interest such as opportunities for special art work and more construction using boxes and believe it or not sand, which provided a great medium for remaking the city viewed from a height.

All in all a marvellous, busy, exciting, interesting learning experience for all.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Welcome to term three

Goodness. The holidays really flew this time and we are now into the second week of a fairly short term. The children seem very happy to be back and have been busy revisiting areas that are special to them such as the repaired swings. The family area has been really well used with the bits of fabric and different scarves making dressing up fun and a little challenging as they wrap themselves up in a variety of ways. At present we are all involved in making a kindergarten book around the focus of "We are all alike. We are all different'. The children have been drawing self portraits, pictures of them and their families, and will then move on to their friends, and where they live, - their houses, farms, pets etc.

The teachers have been busy providing feedback to the MOE ECE taskforce document as well as indulging in a little professional development.
Sadly at the end of the week we will say goodbye to the student teacher we have had here for her seven week practicum. It has been great to be able to support her in this her last student experience before she graduates and enters the world of teaching.
Kia kaha - Be strong.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Celebrating Maori culture

As part of our committment to our Bi-cultural strategic plan which we formulated at the beginning of the year we have continued to take up and make opportunities to extend the children's knowledge of Te Reo and Tikanga Maori as well as our own (the teachers).
The kindergarten celebrated the coming of the Maori New Year - Matariki with waiata (song), reintroduced a haka that we had learnt last year, provided art activities with a Maori focus and we were fortunate to be able to visit Long Bay College to watch a performance by their Kapa Haka Group. The children who went (20 of the 6 hour group) were enthralled by the performance which they all felt was not long enough and they would have liked to see more.

The end of the week saw us all head off to the Auckland Museum to see the Maori Cultural Performance and the Maori Galleries. Travelling over the harbour bridge on the bus was great fun for the children but the real highlight was the performance and being able to meet the performers after the show. We were also able to sing our special Pungawerewere song which we had learnt the previous week for them. What a marvellous way to end the term.

Term two

This has been an extremely busy term with lots happening for the children. The weather has not been so pleasant so favourite activities such as carpentry have not been so readily available and we have had to think outside the square to provide other activities. For a while we moved the train set outside and set it up in a variety of ways which proved very popular.
We continued to support the children's interest in sword making and set up a special sword making box which was well used. the children made a huge variety of swords, some extremely long and more like jousting lances so we also held tournaments for those interested.
Some of the girls were extremely interested in the kind of head wear that women wore during the mediaeval times and made some fantastic hats which proved quite challenging to keep on.

The children's skills in screen printing continued to grow and those that are very competent became the teachers for those who were just learning which was fantastic to see.
A mini project of making clay bead continued on and off throughout the term and we have finally had some threaded onto string alternating with colourful plastic beads. The goal is to use these to make a curtain to hang over the windows by the art sink.
At the end of the term there was a flurry of making going on with children cutting materials to make clothes for themselves or their pets/dolls.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

KindergartenBreakfast slide show

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Breakfast at Kindergarten

Tuesday 31st May. Having breakfast at kindergarten in your pyjamas is a wonderful way to end the month and the children had a fantastic time. They had a choice of cornflakes, weetbix, canned peaches to begin with accompanied by either water, milo or juice. This was followed by toast,white and brown and a variety of spreads ranging from four different jams, vegemite and honey. We quickly discovered that the milo drink was a great hit with the children. It was lovely to see the children so keen to take part in something different and thankfully we had some very helpful parents who took on some of the tasks that are associated with an event such as this showing off some exellent waiting skills, kitchen hand skills and photography. Perhaps these are from previous lives. Thank you one and all.
The children spent the rest of their day at kindergarten in their pyjamas which did not stop them from being involved in all those activities that they love such as playing in the sand, swinging, painting etc.
The teachers also entered into the spirit of things displaying some rather natty night attire but they did not wear them when they went out to lunch.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Term 2 2011

Like term one term two seems to be galloping along. The weather has been a little unsettled but learning continues and we use all opportunities to facilitate opportunities for the children to be involved in extending their own interests as well as hooking into those of other children.
The royal wedding provided some interesting discussions and was a fun time for us all and Mothers Day was celebrated with the children being busily involved in making cards, decorating picture frames and at the end of the week baking cupcakes for their Mums. A very busy time for children and teachers alike.
We continue to focus on our virtues programme and for the first part of the term we have chosen the virtues of responsibility and respect as we feel these should be visible in all parts of our kindergarten programme

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A New Year - 2011

Wow. Where did term one of 2011 go. For us here at kindergarten it has been spent getting to know the children and their families who have started their journey with us and this time spent in developing positive relationships is so important for us all.

The children have had a really busy term with lots of interests happening and the teachers have been extrenely busy acknowleding all these and providing resources etc to extend their ideas.

We also had a very focused look at Waitangi Day and used this as a springboard to looking at other areas of interest around the ways of the Maori people. We provided opportunties for the children to carry out weaving for headbands, materials for the making of piupius, face paint for designing mokos, paper taiahas and also encouraged screen printing using Maori patterns. This was a fabulous five week focus with lots of discussion, u tube viewing, and of course waiata.

We celebrated the end of a very long term with a fun day on the last Wednesday which we called Wacky Wednesday and indeed it was. There were plants in the toilet, dolls sitting in a tyre in the family area, play dough in an upside down table, eating tables under the swings, shoes hanging off the painting rack and on the ceiling and best of all we were able to have water balloon fights. The children and of course the teachers dressed up in some wacky outfits and everyone had a great day. Sorry Aabout the photo. Forgot to rotate but you'll all agree it is a lovely picture.